Halloween 2018

I feel like I say this every year but I (we) love Halloween. I love planning our family themed outfit (hopefully we have a few more years of doing this!) and going to Michaels and JoAnn's to get supplies to make our costume. I love how sugared up the kids get and how excited they are to go to each house. But most of all I love making these memories with them. This year Halloween was busy. Harlow's preschool had a Noah's Ark parade and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. So we put our annual spooky breakfast on hold and the whole family went to go watch her in the parade. I didn't think she would want to participate because she isn't great with crowds -- plus, the parade landed on the day she doesn't go to school (when this happens, they are still welcome to come in and participate). So Harlow got home from school on Tuesday and said she was going to be a flamingo in the school parade and she told everyone that's what she was going to be. Well okay, flamingo it is. Cue me running to Michaels to make her a flamingo head. Thank goodness she already owns a lot of pink.

She was so cute!!!! I used a headband she already had and just picked up some black and white felt, feathers, and foam balls. Flamingo head, DONE.

Now on to our spooky breakfast:

I always decorate the night before and plan a simple breakfast. Pancakes, muffins (which they didn't really eat), and Bolthouse Farm's green juice always makes for perfect potion.

Lunch was pretty simple too: jack o' lantern wraps (which they called Burt because that's what they named their carved pumpkin), clementine pumpkins, and a mouth with teeth.

Now it's finally time for Halloween night.....
Come one! Come All! Step right up to the Eskridge family circus.

For Joe and I, our costume was clothes we already owned. I ordered his inflatable weight from amazon and my "crystal ball" is Harlow's nightlight. I try not to spend a lot of money on ours, especially now with three kids. Our family costume came in around $30. I call that a win.

Harlow's tutu is from amazon and was less than $7 (thanks China) and I got her headband from Michaels and hot glued the feathers onto it.

Oliver's hat is from amazon, the red jacket was from Target, and everything else he owned. I made the red jacket into a ringmaster coat and it was a really simple DIY. I ordered the jacket a few sizes up so it would have a "tail" and cut off the hood and zipper. I hot glued on all the gold trim and the gold tassels.

No ringmaster is complete without his lion and ring of fire. Another simple DIY: a hula-hoop and left over christmas tinsel.

Waylon's mane and tail is a feather boa.

We started off the night at a Trunk or Treat and then came back to our neighborhood to Trick or Treat. The kid's ended the night sorting their candy and singing "I love Halloween" haha.


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